BMW ESP 1.24 control unit repair 0265225057



Discover our specialized repair services for the Mercedes ABS 1.24 control unit

potential errors:

Wheel sensors:
Front left: Error code 33 (21)
Rear left: Error code 30 (1E)
Front right: fault code 32 (20)
Rear right: fault code 31 (1F)

Brake pressure sensor: fault codes relate to the brake pressure sensor
Pre-charging pump: fault code 88 (58) – possible malfunction of the pre-charging pump
Error code 81 (51) indicates an interruption in the pressure sensor

Potential part numbers:

34526755245 34516753642 34526756779 34526758629 34526752777
34516755074 34526752739 34526753644 34516750844 34516758969
34526756871 34526758628 34526754405 34526755076 34526755077
34526753196 34526752776 34516758624 34516752737 34526756779
34516756176 34516756179 34526752108 34526752739 34516753642
34526755741 34516758970 34526753869 34526753644 34526752777
34516752737 34526752739 34526756178 34516755074 34526752776
34516756176 34526753869 34516755243 34526755076 34526755077
34516758969 34526753196 34526752777 34526752776 34526752108
34526752739 34516755074 34526755741 34516755074 34516753642
34526756779 34526755077 34516755243 34526756779 34526752777
34526752776 34516755243 34516753642 34526755076 34526758629
34516758969 34526752739


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