0178 8688596



Berlin Steglitz

Mercedes (ABS pump motor defective) MK25 control unit repair



We offer a professional repair service for the Mercedes MK25 ABS control unit. Possible signs of a defect could be: High pressure pump fault codes such as 5967, 22887 or C1967
Entries relating to the ABS pump motor are stored in the fault memory
Fault code C1310 indicates a problem with the pump motor or motor relay If you have any further questions or additional faults, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Possible part numbers:

A0345457832 A0054313012 10092515753 10020404404 10020404374 A0355455532 A0054313612 10092515803 A0054317512 A0355457932 10020404744 10092515833 A0345457032 A0054311512 10020404184 10092515723 10020404394 A0054312912 A0345457732 10092515743 A0054314412 A0355458132 10020405054 10092515773 10020404194 A0054311612 A0345457132 10092515733 A0365453532 A0004200075 10020404974 10092515963 10092515493 10020404484 A0345458032 A0054316712 A0375453832 A0064314912 10020405314 10092523043 A0044313012 A0325459232 10092515423 10020403864 A2095450332 A0044311912 10092515013 A2095452632 A2034310912 10020403964 10092515373 A0054314312 10020405044 A0345457932 10092515763 A0375454732 A0064315112 10092523113 10020405384 A2095451432 A0044315412 10020403734 10092515243 10020404994 10092515853 A0064310412 A0365454132 A2035455432 A2034311812 10020404334 10092515783 10020403984 A2034311412 A2035455532 10092515793 A2515452632 A2514310512 10020405344 10020806283 A0054317412 A0355457832 10020404734 10092515823 10020404284 10092515533 A1634300107 A1635450316 A1635459832 A1634311312 10020404004 10092515523 10020402514 A0034319412 A2095451732 10092515273 A1644312812 10092523203 A1645458232 10020405554 10092515413 A0044312912 10020403854 A0325459132 10020404234 A2034311712 A2035454832 10092515483 A2514310912 10092523103 10020405234 A2515453132 10092515003 10020404214 A0345456032 A0054310212 A2515451132E 10020404934 10092515583 A1644311812 A0044315512 A2095451532 10092515253 10020403744 10020404164 10092515703 A0054310712 A2095452932 A2515450832 A1644311512 10020404804 10092515573 10092515563 A2515451132 A1644313412 10020404794 10020403434 10092515503 A1634310912 A1635457532 10020405304 A0064314812 A0375453632 10092523033 10020404984 A0365454032 A0064310312 10092515843 10020404174 10092515713 A0044310812 A2095453032 10092515593 A1644311912 10020405564 A1644312912 A1645458332 10092523213 10021201134 Control unit A2515453932 10092523193 10020404944 A2515454032


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